Tuesday, 30 June 2009

We'll do it all

Of the crazy weeks that we've had thus far in the tour, this week is it's own kind of crazy. It all started last week when the schedule started getting juggled around after we had to cancel some shows. We cancelled two of the original five shows this week because we couldn't get an audience for a couple theatres, putting both us and them in tight spots. But do not fret, because we did manage to get two last minute venues, so we still have 51 shows on the schedule. A huge round of applause to Moira, Luisa and Trisha for handling this schedule change and coming out on top!

To the ordinary onlooker, this may look like we now had two free days ahead of us, but things are not always what they seemed. Yes we did not have any shows on Tuesday, but we all did some time in the office, and Thursday may look like a whole day off, but a chunk of it will be spent driving to Shrewsbury. We did make a point to get some rest on Tuesday and have some time to ourselves, but that was also to recover from Monday and get ready for today. You see, on these days we had 10 o'clock shows in places over an hour drive away. So in order to beat traffic and get to the venues in plenty of time, we left Potters Bar at 5.20am. We did manage to avoid traffic and get to the venues hours before we were expected, so it's a good thing we all had things to read. When showtime finally rolled around, we performed to audiences of 7 and 11 people, but we still gave it our all. These audiences may have been small in number, but they were big in participation. After performing, packing up and eating some lunch, we'd hit the road to come back home. Unfortunately we did hit traffic on the motorway and didn't get back to Potters Bar until roughly 11 hours after we left. A few long days to make up for our "days off."

1 comment:

  1. Oh geez, I remember those early mornings AND getting stuck on the motorway! Way to go team!


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