Monday, 8 June 2009

On the road again

'Star Citizen' is officially on tour this week. Yesterday the team drove up to Shrewsbury in Shropshire with Clancy and the Frankel family. We settled into our home base in Shrewsbury and have been getting the lay of the land. Today we will be exploring the town and checking out some of the venues before an evening show at St. Chad's Church.

After such a busy week (10 shows in 6 days, 20% of the attempt!), the team is looking forward to only 5 shows in 5 days this week. We hope to have more time for dealing with press releases, updating our website with pictures and reviews from last week's shows, and piecing together our world record evidence video. As I said, we hope to get these things accomplished, but we also intend to get some rest. So just keep checking the website, and see if you can spot any changes!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on all the performances you've done so far! I love reading this blog and hearing about all the exciting things you are doing. Keep up the good work! I hope you have a lovely time Shrewsbury this week. Tell the Act 4 team that I say hello, even the two little R's.
    God Bless, Kristin


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