Monday, 1 June 2009

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

World Record Attempt Update

Show #1 - check
Show #2 - check
Day 1 - check, check, Hallelujah!

We could not have hoped for a better first day for the world record attempt. We didn't have any problems getting to the venues on-time or having the show ready to go on-time. At the Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage, we had a crowd of about 40. The show went smoothly, and we even had a talent act called 'Shooting Stars'. How perfect is that? The theatre itself was a really great venue. The technical staff was so helpful, and they made our transition to St. Mary's in Potters Bar so much easier.

At St. Mary's we had a great crowd from St. John's Prep. Those kids are always such a good audience; they can sit quietly and listen, but they also know how to participate. It was a great feeling to stand backstage while the credits were rolling and hear them belting 'Be a Star'.

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