Tuesday, 2 June 2009

The show must go on

Today was another busy day for the world record team, with a shows at 10am and 6pm. The morning show was at Watersmeet Theatre in Rickmansworth, and it had a funny loading door. It was in this alley-type passage, with not much room to maneuver Clancy, so it started out being difficult to get a good position. Then the platform was more than a metre of the ground, making it a very awkward height for moving our stuff. Overall it was a nice theatre, and even though it took awhile to warm-up the audience, by the end they were joining in like the best of them.

It was nice to have a break between the shows. While Annika and Disa spent their time eating and sleeping, Sam had to deal with some crisis management after we found out that there would be nobody coming to our show at Creswick Primary School tonight. Although we don't need an audience for the world record attempt, it is very difficult to perform an interactive show without anyone to interact with. We called in reinforcements and ended up with an audience of 10 (4 children). They may have been small in number, but they were a fantastic audience.

1 comment:

  1. Mike and Shauna Skaff3 June 2009 at 03:51

    Your off to a great start. We are praying for you everyday. Mom and Dad (Skaff)


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