Sunday, 1 August 2010

We are officially on holiday!

The clock is closing in on 11 pm and I am in the office looking at stuff for the last time. Checking I've got all the things I want with me. Tomorrow me and Lea are going to leave England and cross waters. Me, to Sweden, and Lea, to France. I'm looking forward to see my family and friends, but at the same time I'm going to miss all the people over here. Luisa and all her kindness. Sam, better boss is harder to find and his lovely family and their hospitality. Terry and Gill who are a big support and keeping some of our(mine and Lea's) stuff safe during August. In september me and Lea are coming back for another year. We didn't had enough of Act 4 and Sam! We love our work and wanted to stay longer. But, the one who we are going to miss the most is Joe. We are going to see the others when we come back to England, but Joe isn't going to be here. So at the same time as we are excited for our friends and family, we are aching of split feelings to say goodbye to our loved boy. I think I am going to miss that guy's humour the most. He can make us laugh even if you don't want to.

Now it's 11 pm and I will stop working.
Now Act 4 is going on HOLIDAAAAAY!!!!!!!

Have a nice holiday!
Linnea, Act 4 offfice

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