Sunday, 1 August 2010

We are officially on holiday!

The clock is closing in on 11 pm and I am in the office looking at stuff for the last time. Checking I've got all the things I want with me. Tomorrow me and Lea are going to leave England and cross waters. Me, to Sweden, and Lea, to France. I'm looking forward to see my family and friends, but at the same time I'm going to miss all the people over here. Luisa and all her kindness. Sam, better boss is harder to find and his lovely family and their hospitality. Terry and Gill who are a big support and keeping some of our(mine and Lea's) stuff safe during August. In september me and Lea are coming back for another year. We didn't had enough of Act 4 and Sam! We love our work and wanted to stay longer. But, the one who we are going to miss the most is Joe. We are going to see the others when we come back to England, but Joe isn't going to be here. So at the same time as we are excited for our friends and family, we are aching of split feelings to say goodbye to our loved boy. I think I am going to miss that guy's humour the most. He can make us laugh even if you don't want to.

Now it's 11 pm and I will stop working.
Now Act 4 is going on HOLIDAAAAAY!!!!!!!

Have a nice holiday!
Linnea, Act 4 offfice

Thursday, 29 July 2010

new stuff and CD

Sitting in the top office. Rest of the office is quiet and empty. Everybody else is setting up our equipment in the hall. The church requested that we move all the things that are on the floor, and that includes monitors, speakers, lights and loads of wires. I hope they are alright out there. I am burning a couple of ex of our new CD. It's a Promo and the tracks are developed especially for Holiday Club 2010. It has 3 new written songs, 1 rewritten and a fresh new reflection on it. It sounds really good! I've written the music to all of them except one and I am really proud to have achieved this. I've done something new all by myself and it is a great feeling. All it takes is that somebody believes in you, like Sam did in me, and you can do what you want.

We are in our 3rd day of Holiday Club 2010.
Now I have to go to attend the leaders meeting, so we can let the kids in after that.

Linnea (going home to Sweden in 4 days!!!!)

Monday, 19 July 2010

2 weeks left

The sun is out. The birds are singing... the life in Potters Bar seems quiet and peaceful. But when you take a look inside URC on Darkes Lane, you will find a devoted team that tries their hardest to make everything work for the last time. We've written new songs, we've done loads of new fun videos and props. Holiday Club that Act 4's going to put up this year is going to be awesome!

Even though we have loads of work to do, we are (the three of us volunteers) thinking of our last time here. Trying to make it as fun as possible. Me and Lea are leaving in exactly two weeks and Joe is leaving a day after that.

So long for now.

Friday, 9 July 2010

working at act 4 (guest writer)

Hi my name is Ashley, I am doing work experience with act 4. Working with Act 4 is fun, all the work they give me I finish really quickly. Most of it is easy to do, but i have been given work that was quite hard for me to do. I was told to do a rap, that was hard, because I have never done anything like it. The people here are great! If I need any help with something, they're always happy to help.

The End, Ashley

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Summer Is totally here!

I am so sorry for all our readers who have been checking every now and then if we've written anything. I do apologize. The crazyness at the office has been mixed. We can gladly tell you we've been doing our second Star Citizen Show at Essendon school yesterday, and that we still haven't recovered from the long day. What's different this year to last year, is that we combine the show with sessions for the different years of the school. This is really exciting cause we can do the show, and then directly get feedback from the kids. It's pretty nice to have that contact. Especially when they've seen us every now and then doing assemblies, they can talk to us as we're their teachers for an hour.

It's been a very hot week and we spent yesterday sweating all the time. Now I'm going out to enjoy the sun.

Ciao! from the office.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Busy Busy

Sitting in the office and going through my list of tasks, and I remembered that it was a while since I wrote on the blog. I am so sorry about this, but we've been on holiday and round Easter we were pretty busy at the office. We were preparing for Dales Down, a camp for autistic children and their families. It was a lot of fun and we really felt that what we were doing were meaningful to them, not only the children, but also the rest of the family. I hope you, who read this blog, haven't given up on me. I will start write more often again.

Lots of Love, Linnea

Monday, 15 March 2010

the spring's here!!!

Such a lovely day!!! It's wonderful and I wore my sunglasses, for the first time of the year, today. We know that the spring has been coming but now it's finally here. How we've been waiting for this day! It's the first day were you could actually go outside without your coat. With mixed feelings I got up this morning, Monday mornings are always worst when it comes to school and work, I'm glad it was such a sunny day, otherwise I might have stayed in bed.

I just want to write to you that I love my job, and maybe even my life, just because of the weather. Hm... When I think of it, it sounds strange. But maybe that's why we talk so much about the weather, cause it affects us so much. Maybe it even changes entire lives.
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