Tuesday, 10 November 2009

This is the new blogger writing

Now it's time to get this blog up and running again!

This is one of the three new volunteers at Act4 writing. Let me introduce myself.

I'm Linnéa, turns ninteen really soon and have been working for Act4 like two months and one week, exactly. I'm the swedish girl and hope I'm the musical one, my thing is sound and recordings. I'm a part of a team of three people and we realized that we're fitting really well together with our skills. The oldest is the american guy, also called Joe, and he turns 23 soon. Joe is the one that has a major in theater at the university, I mean, how cool isn't that!? The youngest in our herd is Léa, the french girl, 18 years old and a great great dancer. She can, if she wants to, make me cry, just by doing her thing, she's is pretty amazing!

So... that's us!

You're going to find out more about us this year, but I'll leave it your imagination for now.

With our skills we've been doing our first set of assemblies and enjoyed it as much as kids in a candy store. Last week we went to train with another Time To Act team, that's the new name for a team that's delivering Act4 material in primary school assemblies. Currently we're no longer one Time To Act team, we're two, and you can find the other team in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. If you want to know more about the changes in Act4, check Act4's website.

1 comment:

  1. Hello to the new Act 4 team! Jag vill bara skicka hälsningar på svenska från ett vintrigt norden. Tänkt att någon svenskatalande följer er blogg! Jag var en av de första volontärerna för Act 4 - den första? Say HI and send a lot of love to the Frankels'!//Anna


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