Friday, 1 May 2009

Under Pressure

So many excited things are happening in the office right now, and they're happening at break-neck speed. Here's what has been going on, in numbers:

  • We now have 48 out of 50 venues! Only 2 more to go!!
  • Our awesome team of volunteers has contacted 180+ primary schools around the country, inviting them to our show.
  • We have made initial contact with over 250 media outlets in Hertfordshire and the surrounding area, including local papers, magazines, radio programmes, and even TV!
  • We have officially confirmed the dates of our record attempt with Guinness World Records
  • The team has put in countless hours this week trying to work on elements of the show so that we can begin rehearsing next week.

As you can see, we have a lot going on and a lot of people to talk to. Our volunteers have been tremendous help phoning around, but the list just keeps growing, and our helpers are limited. We are starting to feel a bit under pressure as the team tries to juggle getting the show ready and handling all of these new administrative tasks. We are trying our best not to let it overwhelm us, but the attempt begins in just one month. We ask for your prayers that we can successfully manage all that we need. We appreciate all of the support that we have received.

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