Thursday, 19 March 2009

Here comes the sun ... do-do do-do

Isn't the sunshine just fantastic?! It is almost like it has magical powers because when it finally peeks out from behind the clouds, it makes everything better, just like your mum putting a plaster on an injury or having a hot cocoa. The sun makes everything bright and warm, and those are definitely not bad things. The sun also makes for great filming conditions. The great outdoors gives us unlimited movie locations, but gray skies do not make a pleasant backdrop. So when the sun came out, we rushed outside with the camera. It was a short day of filming, but fun and productive all the same.

As wonderful as it is to have the sun streaming through the windows, it causes problems when you're trying to use stage lights. In order for the new lights to be dramatic and effective, we need to make the hall as dark as possible. Because of this, we found in some schools that the sun was shining too strong and too bright! We did everything we could to battle those bright rays (without blocking the fire exits). But that's the thing about light, it can't easily be stopped. You can put up barriers, but a glow still sneaks around the sides, through cracks or other weak places. That is exactly like God's light. It cannot be dimmed or blocked, but it can be reflected to others. So get out there, rain or sun, and shine God's light!

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