The past week and a half has been busy for the whole team. Sam, Disa and Annika focused their attention on preparing a new assembly, the last that will be performed this school year. The theme is
Keep on Going, encouraging the children to keep on going when they face a challenge or difficulty. The assembly seems very appropriate at this time when Act 4 is taking on such a big challenge ourselves. This preparation gave us the chance to seriously work with some of our new equipment, including editing, sound recording and presentation programmes on the Mac computers, and focusing and programming the new stage lights. We premiered the new assembly at Cuffley on Monday, and the new lights seemed a big hit.

Luisa and Moira continued to hit the phones hard, and their efforts were not wasted. We now have over 30 venues! That's HUGE for us because it confirms that we CAN do this and that people are willing to support us. We have even been contacted
by venues interested in our show. We have gained momentum in our booking, and now we just need to keep on going.
Not only has the team stayed busy during the week, but we also had a very busy weekend. On Saturday we transformed Tilbury Hall into the Orient Express and held a Dinner & Dance for almost 90 people. There was delicious food, raffle prizes and a live band to fill the evening with a good time for all. On Sunday morning Sam, Disa, Terry and Annika traveled around to 6 different churches in Potters Bar to share with them what has been going at Act 4. We gave them an overview of the charity's work, introduced them to the
Star Citizen World Record Attempt and announced the development of a new and exciting Community ‘L.I.V.E.’(Leadership, Involvement through Voluntary Experience) Award, that will look to encourage, equip and recognise children’s contribution to their communities.