Monday, 22 February 2010

back to work...

...and back in town. Last night Joe and Lea picked me up at the airport of Stansted and because my flight was delayed, a bit more than a hour, so now the three of us are a bit tired. I've just finnished the music for a reflection that Lea is going to dance to in the new assembly. The new one's theme is easter, probably the Chritian's most important time of the year.

Overall it seems like we all had a nice half term and now it's time to work again. Sam just arrived, back to duty.

Love from the office

Thursday, 11 February 2010

traveling all the time

The feeling in the office is relaxed and pleasent. Lea is now playing "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2 and I just enjoy the familiar tune when I send away an email to Sam saying: Done! Linnea. It feels completely wonderful to know that half term is so close, because tomorrow, Lea and I, are going to Sweden! Wiieeeee! I'm going home! It feels so wierd and wonderful at the same time, and I'm really excited. Just hope I dont wind up myself to much.
I came home yesterday from Wall-under-haywood, Shropshire, the Frankel's new place. Lovely nature, green hills and a lot of sheeps. We had our two first assemblies in Shropshire, me and Sam. In the first the projector broke down and ruined the assembly. The second was on tuesday afternoon and the weather was lovely, the birds sang nice melodies and the assembly went great! I also went and saw a play in Shrewsbury, Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen. Really cool! So tomorrow, tomorrow it's time to go away again, and I just have enough time to do the laundry. Oh! You know what! I accidently put my black load of laundry on 60 degrees of C. Oops! But...whatever, that just makes it easier to fit everything in one bag.

Have a nice halfterm!
wishes the Act 4 office.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

a new adventure

I'm sitting in the office and we've just been handed the new assembly. We've read through it and now every one of us is sitting with our new assignement. Except me, then. My job, normally is to work with the music and soundtracks for the assemblies, but I see my self finding it hard to work as usual. Off course this has a reason. Sam was here. Yesterday, actually, and tomorrow I'll be following his example and move up to Shropshire (an other part of England, close to Wales) for a while. Just a few days, but more or less he took a lot of equipment and things with him. So now I'm sitting at Lea's PC instead of my dear, dear miniMac. He took the keyboard, the interface, computer, wires, microphones, everything! So I find it a bit hard to work on music right now.

Alright. I'm going up to Shropshire to do three things, I think. First of all, I'm doing two assemblies in two completely new schools for us, they've never had an assembly from us before, so it has to be awsome. Secondly, I'll work with Sam on new things and a lot of music-related stuff. And third and finally, I think I'm going to babysit a bit. Which I don't mind cause it's lovely kids the Frankel juniors. Sam just called, the mission now is to find a cable, so over and out.

Hear ya!
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