So! Three assemblies done and another one tomorrow, the last one before going on TFG's "BIG" conference. For you who don't know what that is, it's a big, evidently, conference with all the TFG volunteers in the UK. We're going to meet people from all around the world, and everybody in the same situation. We've all committed to do one year in service, and I can say that you can have a lot of fun doing this.
Other news is that I might go up north for with Sam for a while, so I'm teaching Lea how to use the sound equipment and then I thought, I need to not forget that even though things seems easy to me, it's not always like that for others.
I watched a program on Internet in Swedish the other day, and it was about these three girls and a famous female comedian plays God. Two of the girls fought because they thought that the other one had a better life. So "God" put them in each other's body and they had to live the other's life. The point was that you shouldn't think that you know everything about an other person, and when they switched they realized that the other one's life wasn't that great all the time. They got insight of the other's life!
I been thinking about this a lot since I saw it. I don't want to forget that there is so many elements in a persons life that makes the person. There's culture, traumas, happy parts, different ways of growing up, studies, work, friends... All these things make an impact on our lives. Don't forget that we have had different lives, but if we try to understand the past, or why a person behave like it does, it can make a nice future.
