Tuesday, 15 December 2009

A little girl, a move & the last assembly

Today we had our last Christmas assembly and it went soo great. It feels kind of sad that it was our last this year, but we're fully loaded with work with the new assembly and don't have the time to mourn about it. Just breath and keep up the good work!

Behind the scenes info:
I'm working on the music and soundtrack for the new assembly. The song is going to have Sam as the main voice and myself on the choir. Sounds great!
The soundtrack for the new drama is going to be awesome! I don't want to give out to much but I can say that it has a great jingle in it that I've created with help from the library of Logic. Love Logic!

Now it's strange with no Sam in the office. Yesterday was the day he officially had moved. The day that they got the keys to the new house. Last weekend, we, the three volunteers, helped the family to pack stuff into a van and taking care of kids. It was fun but sad. Little cute Rosie slept in my arms and I felt like, I don't know. It's just crazy that a little girl like that can touch your heart<3 like that! Now I need to work on the music again. Have a nice day!

Peace out!

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Coffee is nice and hot

Here I'm sitting, shivering in the office. It's cold inside, but I'm also cold because of the radiator is next to me. That doesn't make sense, you think. But I'll tell you, it gives me a hope of a warm wonderful atmosphere, but it's an illusion, because when I turn towards my desk instead, I start to freeze even more than before. The cold is also coming from within me. I mean, I know I slept last night, but still I have this feeling that I just got up and there's nothing I'd rather do than go back to bed. But! There's something wonderful that can cure that. A warm dark fluid that makes you feel alert and excited at the same time... It's Coffee!

Now let me tell you something else.
This morning we had an assembly in a school in Essedon. The kids weren't as loud as kids in other schools, but I could see it, I could see that they were enjoying it. It feels great when the smallest kids are like watching every move you make, and look at you with that big excited face. It's just a pleasent feeling spreading inside of me and then I really know how it feels to be warm inside.
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