Monday, 23 February 2009

A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action

Last week was an abbreviated week in the office as we all took some much needed time off for half term. We did, however, return to the office on Wednesday and accomplish much in the next three days. All the girls went on a Risk Assessment course to ensure that our show will be safe and enjoyable for all parties involved. Sam continued to do everything, including planning our next assembly. Annika made great steps in learning about our new lights, and Disa got to know the newest member of the office team, Mr. Mac (a.k.a. our MacBook Pro presentation laptop). Friday was a great day to learn about our set as we set up the whole kit and our technical director came in to give us a tutorial on stage lighting.

All of this was well and good, but the real stars of the week were Luisa, Moira and Sam, who hit the phones hard and got us some more bookings! We have altered our booking strategy and this tenacious trio put it into action with positive results. Now we hope to keep up this momentum and continue filling our calendar. Sam came across a great passage from Romans this morning and shared it at our meeting. Now I share it with you:

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Don't Stop...Believin'

This was another whirlwind week of emails, phone calls and...snow? Yes, just as the last of the snow had melted away, a fresh blanket is covering Potters Bar. At least it will be gone by the time we start touring the country this summer! Actually, the office team will be escaping this weekend on some half term holidays. We sure need a break after this week. We are all feeling the pressure of this immense challenge.
~Luisa is a ringing-machine, phoning venue after venue, leaving messages, following-up, and sometimes getting no response. Expending so much effort while receiving little in return can be quite draining, but Luisa is a trooper. Slowly but surely we are getting results and generating more interest in this great project.
~Annika spent the week juggling tasks involving the website, Act 4's Charity Weekend, set design projects, learning about the stage lights and many more odd jobs.
~Disa cranked up her creative juices to finish the next issue of the Act 4 Newsletter (a Special Edition all about the record attempt!) while also researching a new performance laptop.
~Sam worked with each of us on all of our jobs, as well as doing much, much more. Whenever any of us needed help with a project or a final decision needed to be made, Sam was there to support us.

At least we have made some accomplishments before leaving on our holidays. When we return next week we will be refreshed and ready to take on the world, or at least a world record. ;)

Friday, 6 February 2009

Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland...Workin' in a Winter Wonderland

View from the office, 2.2.09 13.00
The biggest snowstorm in 20 years may have shut down the entire city of London, but it did not stop the Act 4 team from pursuing this dream. We braved the snowdrifts and icy paths in our Wellies and knit caps to come into the office and work on the world record attempt. But we were not the only ones undeterred by the foul yet beautiful weather. On Tuesday, the office was literally overflowing with friends coming to help. Our regular volunteers, Derek and Bill, were in to work on various administrative projects that are helping us to identify venues and marketing outlets. Act 4's newest trustee, Graham, came in to give us a hand with the phones, making brilliant phone calls to potential venues and supporters. With the schools being cancelled, Jonathan (our assistant technical advisor) was available to come and help us with our new light kits. And, our graphic designer, David, was home from university and came in to integrate his Star Citizen logo into poster and ticket designs. All in all, it was joyfully crowded in here that day.

We are continuing to contact venues and pursue bookings, but it is proving a slow process. We are trying to keep our chins up, but we ask for your prayers that the right doors will be opened for us, sooner rather than later. Prayer is wonderfully powerful thing, and we had several prayers answered this week. By the grace of God we are moving forward with this project, and by that same grace we hope to complete it.

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