Friday, 30 January 2009

This week was all about set design. Sam and Annika worked tirelessly over set designs and stage layouts, trying to figure out what we need/want. The set for Star Citizen is an adaptation of the setup for our last interactive performance about Hope. So to keep in the spirit of this new, record-setting performance, everything is bigger and better. We are using elements of the old set as starting blocks redesigning them to improve quality and durability. It is really important to us that everything in the show is at a professional standard, but everything also needs to be portable and capable of withstanding the stress of 50 shows around the country. Basically, we're taking a lot of care in getting the right materials for our purpose.

After weeks of drawing plans on paper and deliberating over products and materials, we now have something tangible to work with. We ordered some really cool items online, and who doesn't love ordering online?! We've gotten to open so many exciting parcels in the last few days that it feels like a second Christmas. =) Now we can start setting up different pieces and trying out our new stage lights (which were just delivered!).

In addition to making major progress on the set, we also did some preliminary filming with the Performance Team and met with Harvey Thomas, an international public relations and presentation consultant. Harvey was Press and Public Relations Director for Margaret Thatcher, so he offered a wealth of knowledge about marketing the attempt and covering all necessary angles.

Next week we aim to focus on filming. :)

Friday, 23 January 2009

Step by step we're moving forward...

We've actually been out of the office this week. Annika and Disa were away at a volunteer conference, Sam was ill and worked from home, and Luisa took some time off. We did, however, return to the office to find 2 MORE BOOKINGS! (with several more in the works). Sam also informed us that he has finished writing the new drama to be used in the show. Apparently it is unlike anything we've seen or done before; even he didn't expect it to turn out this way. In true Sam fashion, he did not reveal any details about said drama, just telling us enough to wet our appetites until the great reveal at our Monday meeting. At least we get to find out on Monday, you will have to wait until June or July. Aren't you excited? We sure are!

Next week we plan to start building our set, putting together a World Record Newsletter Supplement, filming with our Performance Team, and booking even more venues! So keep checking our progress and keep us in your prayers.

Friday, 16 January 2009

Gimme the Beat!

In our continuing efforts to put together a remarkable, record-setting performance, we're working on improving all aspects of our work. This week we focused on sound-recording.

It started with the arrival of our new digital audio computer interface, a.k.a. a fancy piece of equipment that allows us to record vocals and instruments into our computer so that we can mix it and make it sound cool. We love getting parcels at the office, especially when they contain exciting new things that we get to play around with. Unfortunately, we have limited knowledge about studio-quality recording, and even less knowledge about the intricacies of the equipment. Fortunately, we have friends who do. :)

Sam asked an old friend who knows quite a bit about recording (he hopes to own his own recording studio someday.) So Simon came into the office today and gave us an AWESOME lesson, not only about how to use our new equipment, but also about recording in general. We learned about sound and what the interface hardware and mixing software do with it and how we can control it. Simon did a really great job explaining the basics to us, because we can't expect to create quality soundtracks if we don't truly understand sound, or tracks really. Now we at least know something about it. We all took a lot from the afternoon and can't wait to start recording!

It was also a BIG day in the office, as we made several more bookings. We figured that once we got the ball rolling, momentum will start bringing in the bookings, and now it's starting to move! If you have any connections with a theatre, secondary school or large church (hall capacity of over 300), be sure to check out how to get involved. The more people we have supporting this project, the better chance we have of succeeding.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Let's Start From The Very Beginning...

...the VERY BEST place to start!

The team came back from our Christmas holidays refreshed and ready to go. We jumped headfirst into booking venues and publicizing our attempt. Over the break, we got our very 1st booking! only 49 to go ;) We will perform our grand finale show at the Wyllyotts Theatre, right here in Potters Bar.

The thrill from our first booking fired us up to work on getting more. We put together venue packs to both inform and, hopefully, inspire potential venues to support this project. Annika has also been tirelessly working to get the World Record Attempt website ready to go live. I hope that you all enjoy it!
We're still trying to get into a new rythm in the office, but hopefully things will keep rolling. Be sure to check back each week to see how we're coming along!
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