This week was all about set design. Sam and Annika worked tirelessly over set designs and stage layouts, trying to figure out what we need/want. The set for Star Citizen is an adaptation of the setup for our last interactive performance about Hope. So to keep in the spirit of this new, record-setting performance, everything is bigger and better. We are using elements of the old set as starting blocks redesigning them to improve quality and durability. It is really important to us that everything in the show is at a professional standard, but everything also needs to be portable and capable of withstanding the stress of 50 shows around the country. Basically, we're taking a lot of care in getting the right materials for our purpose.

After weeks of drawing plans on paper and deliberating over products and materials, we now have something tangible to work with. We ordered some really cool items online, and who doesn't love ordering online?! We've gotten to open so many exciting parcels in the last few days that it feels like a second Christmas. =) Now we can start setting up different pieces and trying out our new stage lights (which were just delivered!).
In addition to making major progress on the set, we also did some preliminary filming with the Performance Team and met with Harvey Thomas, an international public relations and presentation consultant. Harvey was Press and Public Relations Director for Margaret Thatcher, so he offered a wealth of knowledge about marketing the attempt and covering all necessary angles.
Next week we aim to focus on filming. :)